Safety Tips During Fire Outbreak, Expert Tells How to Avoid Death, Injury


Fire Safety Expert, Debbie Windele, has charged everyone to prepare for fire outbreak this Harmattan. The London-based Managing Director of Safety Experts Limited leads the Platforms  Africa weekly e-Discourse where she gives tips on how to prevent fire accident, death and injury during this hazy weather. The full interview from the session moderated by Ghana-based  veteran journalist, Francis KOKUTSE, is here. Excerpts:-:


In many African countries, the Harmattan Season announces itself at the end of the Year. What is Harmattan and what are the safety challenges that come with it?

The Harmattan season comes with environmental challenges such as , dust, cold dusty air, dry skin and of course Fire incidents occur more this time of the year because of the dryness.

Based on experiences over the years, it is always said that we should expect fire accidents, especially, bush fires, around this time of the year. Do you share this view?

Yes I strongly share this view because of the dryness associated with the season, when a small fire starts it tends to spread very quickly. Human activities such as indiscriminate burning tends to aggravate fire during this season. If we must burn, it must be monitored. And in our homes, we must ensure that cooking is not left unattended, electrical appliances switched off when not in use. We should also reduce the dust gathering in our homes. Regular cleaning must be done.

From what you know, do you think Africans have enough knowledge on fire safety?

Africans are gradually beginning to understand that Fire is a big risk and the only way to reduce it is to practice a good Fire Safety Culture in their homes and places of work etc. However, continuous advocacy and sensitization is required on the part of the various arms of Government. This cannot be over emphasized.

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What is Good Fire Safety Culture?

Understanding the risk associated with Fire, purchasing fire extinguishers, good waste management systems , less clutter around us , need to use competent electricians among several others.

You have talked about good practice. What are the Materials/equipment to get handy in the prevention drive against fire accidents?

Fire Extinguishers, fire blankets, smoke detectors, gas detectors, fire alarms, fire risk assessments , visual monitoring of electrical equipments in your homes and offices for any defect that could start a fire.

The main problem in Africa is bush fire. What are some quick steps to take to prevent it?

Regularly pruning of bushes and trees , removing weeds and racking of leaves will definitely help in prevention/reduction with any damage as a result of bush fires.

In case of a fire outbreak in a home or office, what are the steps to take? Could you share some useful tips on this?

If it is a small fire in the home or office, it can be put out using a Fire extinguisher but if it’s a large fire, get out of the building as safe and fast as you can, call the Fire service, stay out until the fire is put out and do not return to the building until it’s safe to do so. The fire service will tell you when it’s safe to go back in.

Given the fact that fire accidents are common in Africa, do you think we have enough fire service personnel and equipment to fight these harzard?

No, I do not think we have enough Fire Service personnel in Africa and we do not have adequate equipment to deal with particular fire incident. Africa leadership must invest in this area of public service so we can align with global standard on both firefighting personnel and equipments to enhance performance.

In the area of personnel and equipment, what can be done to improve this?

African Government should aim to build more Fire Stations, develop current staff, increase the current staff strength by recruiting and training more officers, provide them with decent work benefits so as to attract and retain the right people in the service. This will position us globally when it comes to the subject of Fire and Safety.

Combustibles like petrol are stocked at home due to fear of scarcity at a time like this. What is your advice?

My advice will be for citizens not to stock in the homes any form of combustible such as petrol , as we all know these are highly volatile. However, if they must stock it they should only buy what they need at any given time and if they must stock petrol for instance , it must be at the very minimal level and stored away from any heat source.

How come African countries do not have formal institutions for Fire Fighting? What can be done?

Formal knowledge can only be gained from participating in training courses and development.
However in Africa, there is no Law or regulation mandating that formal knowledge must be acquired on the subject in question compared to the Uk where I trained ,the Law is very clear and specific in relation to Fire Services, for example in the UK if you are a Fire Officer or a Fire Warden, you are expected to have gone through specific formal training.


E-Discourse is a weekly enlightenment WhatsAppinar organised by Platforms Africa for a forum of intellectuals, policy moulders and opinion leaders in Africa 

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